News Desk, News Nation 360 : In honour of International Women's Day, Police Filez, the first and longest-running crime show in Bengali history, hosted by Aakash Aath, will air a special episode. Renowned actors Sudip Chatterjee and Chandrayee Ghosh host Police Filez. Police Filez will highlight the East Medinipur murder case of Patashpur on International Women's Day. "Wife Decapitated," the upcoming episode, will tell the story of Fulrani Guchhait's horrifying murder at the hands of Gautam, her husband. Following a fight in 2024, this 35-year-old man chopped off his wife's head and fled across Patashpur's rural roads carrying both the weapon and the head. This incident not only left the villagers stunned to see such a graphic scene, but it also presented a new challenge for the police because the accused had mental health issues. Interestingly, in 2021, Gautam Guchhait broke through the security fencing and went inside the lion's cage at the Alipore Zoo. As a result, he was deemed mentally abnormal and placed in a remand home. Priyanka Surana Bardia, Director, Aakash Aath, stated that Police Filez has successfully run on television for 21 years. On the Police Filez special for International Women's Day, they will be airing the Patashpur Murder Case, which stunned the whole country. Their main goal is to empower all women to be brave and enlightened, so they will not readily give in to any fatal circumstances. Rather than inciting violence or upsetting harmony. On Friday, March 8, 2024, at 8:30 p.m., Police Filez will air a special episode dedicated to International Women's Day.
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