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  • Writer's pictureKRISHNENDU KUNDU

The American College of Cardiology and Lupin Digital Health have Partnered to Offer the Digital Therapeutics Certificate for Cardiologists in India

News Desk, News Nation 360 : The American College of Cardiology (ACC), a global leader in science-based practice for digital health and cardiology, has launched the first digital therapeutics certificate for cardiologists. Lupin is India's first evidence-based digital therapeutics (DTX) platform. The Cardiology Society of India (CSI) held its Platinum Jubilee celebrations in Kolkata, where the launch was announced. Rajeev Sibal, President of India Region Formulations, Lupin, expressed enthusiasm about the initiative by saying that Lupin is proud to support cardiologists with our patient-centric solutions. They are digital by providing them with this significant ACC certificate, positioning us as leaders in the DTx space. He is thrilled to have a major influence in establishing new therapeutics standards. Dr. Edward Fry, a former president of the American College of Cardiology, who was present at the event, stressed the collaboration's global significance in improving cardiovascular patient care. Cardiologists who have demonstrated their dedication to innovation and patient-centred care by implementing digital heart failure clinics and remote cardiac rehab will be recognised with 'Digital Pioneer' certificates from the American College of Cardiologists (ACC). The American College of Cardiology's and Lupine Digital Health's joint goal of transforming cardiovascular patient care via cutting-edge digital solutions represents a huge advancement in global healthcare. This initiative aims to promote the adoption of state-of-the-art digital solutions in cardiology. For patients to receive the highest calibre of care and have better results at home, this collaboration is essential. Lupin Digital Health created Lyfe, the nation's first clinically validated remote cardiac rehabilitation programme. With patients dispersed throughout 250 cities, Lyfe is acknowledged by over 450 cardiologists in India as a remedy for the paucity of cardiac rehabilitation. Cardiovascular patients' quality of life and heart health have improved as a result of the programme. 


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