News Desk, News Nation 360 : Bengali food, which had been lost in time, can now be ordered online and picked up straight from the company's takeaway counter. This creative initiative has been taken by Howrah's Ramrajatla restaurant "Joyati The Culinary" to bring a variety of Bengali cuisine to homes. 'Joyati The Culinary Restaurant and Take Away Counter' opened on Bengali New
Year's Eve on Ramcharan Seth Road, close to the traditional Ram Mandir, thanks to the initiative of this food vendor organisation. Somnath Banerjee, the Howrah Court's Chief Government Strategist, gave it its inaugural speech. There were also a lot of notable individuals present. The primary business owner, Joyati Bhattacharya, stated that they have a long history of offering catering services. It has been observed that Bengali cuisine tends to be traditional. However, not all of the food delivery businesses that use other methods or the internet have access to the same amount. To provide the general public with a range of traditional vegetarian dishes, such as bhetki, chingri machher malaikari, mutton or chicken with various sauces, or raw green vegetables, they established this food stand. Customers can order food online or from this location, and it will be delivered to their homes.
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